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From the Creators of Web Designer Library

Let's Get Unstuck!

Feeling stuck? We get it, and we’re here to help! Whether you're troubleshooting a specific issue, seeking general guidance, or aiming to level up your Showit knowledge, our help desk is here to get you unstuck and moving forward.


The Showit Help Docs

Showit's Help Docs and support team are the cream of the crop (reason 2937 to be obsessed with Showit). These Help Docs will become your best friend as you dive into your new template and explore the depths of your website!

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Ready to kick off your Showit journey? Start here for comprehensive guidance on getting started with Showit.

Getting started

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Learn the ins and outs of domains and hosting to ensure a smooth online presence.

Domains and Hosting

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Dive into the nitty-gritty of building your website with detailed tutorials and step-by-step guides.

Building Your Site

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Ready to add a blog to your website? Explore resources for building and optimizing your blog.

Building Your Blog

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Unlock the secrets of SEO and analytics to boost your website's visibility and performance.

SEO and Analytics

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Get ready to launch your website with expert tips and strategies for a successful debut.

Launching Your Site

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Find answers to frequently asked questions about Showit and website building.


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Manage your accounts and billing with ease using helpful resources and tutorials.

Accounts and Billing

Still Feeling Stuck?

The Showit Team is online Monday-Friday. And if you have an emergency (ie. Your site goes offline), you can reach them via the emergency help form.

Having an Issue with Your Purchase?


Whether you're kicking off a brand new website or giving your current one a fresh coat of paint, The Launch Club is your next best step for guidance, support, and expert advice.

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to confidently taking control of your website. Let's kick confusion to the curb and hit that publish button.

When You Buy a Full Showit Template from Kinhouse Made, you also get free access to the Launch Club

Here's What's Inside the Launch Club

Launch with Confidence Course

Our comprehensive course will guide you from purchase to launch, covering everything from setting up your template to optimizing your site for long-term success. 

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Support from Designer Coaches

Get support from us and our team of designer coaches. Whether you're feeling stuck or seeking feedback, we're here to help. Get out of the google search black hole and get your questions answered by our vetted Showit designers.

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The Launch Club Hub

aka - The Clubhouse! This is where you'll find your course material, the Designer Coaches, and our Launch Club Community. Hosted on Circle (not just another dead facebook group). 

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